Thursday, February 22, 2007

PE Cutbacks

The issue I want to discuss is, schools cutting back on physical education programs. Schools have been cutting back on PE because it's not an academic course. What they don't understand is that in the long run without PE they will be paying more in health care costs.
One of the nations biggest epidemics right now is obesity in children. PE can keep that in check to a certain extent. PE may be the only excercise that a child gets during they day. Some say that it should be cut because it's not an academic subject, which is true, however it does enable a student to find out different things that they can excell at physically other than purely mentally.
PE, in most schools, only takes up one period of the day, usually 55-90 minutes depending on the schools schedule and the ones that have 90 minute blocks only have PE every other day. The physical educators aren't asking for an obscene amount of time in the gym, so it's not taking that much away from the academic subjects.
PE should be left in school because it will save money in the longrun. It is also keeping the health of our students positive instead of negative. It will be a sad world if PE gets cut from the curriculum of every school.

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